This year the European Young People’s Conference (EYPC) and European Family Conference (EFC) will be open for North America.
Starting this year, since the spaces allotted to North American saints are limited and to give the opportunity for more saints to attend, those who attended last year will automatically be placed on a waiting list.
We will have 120 spots available for all North American saints. We need to keep an overall 3 to 1 ratio of young people to serving ones/Helpers (90 young people and 30 serving ones/helpers).
For the Family Conference. Starting this year, we will have 40 spots available for North American saints.
We received an overwhelming number of applications and far surpassed the spaces allotted to North America for both conferences. Pre-registration is NOW closed. If you submitted a pre-registration form, please do not make travel arrangements or buy plane tickets until you have received an acceptance letter from us.
July 27 – August 2, 2025
Pre-registration Process for North America Saints:
Step 1:
Fill out the Pre-registration form for North America. Pre-registration will open in the month of February each year.
Step 2:
Email a recommendation letter, signed by one of the elders or responsible brothers in your locality, to your regional coordinator and to The recommendation letter is part of the approval process. You can send the recommendation before pre-registration opens.
Step 3:
Receive the Approval letter.
Step 4:
Fill out the official registration form and submit payment from EYPC & EFC once they open their registration. Make sure you thoroughly complete all of the steps required.
Please wait until you have received the approval letter (step 3) before booking your flights.
We also ask that you respond promptly to all correspondence.
Regional Coordinators:
Canada – Eastern | SCYP Office | |
Canada – Western | SCYP Office | |
Sam Hu | | |
Central America | Jacob Koop | |
Mexico | SCYP Office | |
Puerto Rico | Felix Emanuel Ramirez | |
US-California | SCYP Office | |
US-Midwest/Northeast | Fadjar Kusumo | |
US-Northwest | Matthew Wilde | |
US-South | Zeke Chavez | |
US-Southeast | Phillip Bradley | |
Conference Fee: $480 (2025)
Arrival and departure information:
Arrive in Krakow, Poland, on Saturday, July 26, before 6:00 pm (that means you need to leave from the US on Friday, July 25). If your flight arrives at an earlier time, you will need to wait at the airport until the Conference shuttle service begins.
EYPC starts on Lord’s Day, July 27.
The EYPC ends on Saturday, August 2 at noon. All participants from the US will travel Saturday afternoon to Krakow and spend the night there. On Lord’s Day, will participate in the Lord’s table with the saints in Krakow. Book your flights back, if possible, for Lord’s Day, August 3, in the afternoon or Monday, August 4, in the morning.
For those leaving Lord’s Day, August 4, accommodations may be arranged. Transportation to and from Małe Ciche is only available from/to Kraków Airport (KRK).
Please remember that any young person who arrives early or leaves later must be accompanied by a serving one.
Any travel plans made outside of these dates and times will need to be arranged personally by the registrant.
Other important information:
What to expect –>
About the EYPC –>
About the EFC –>
Cost and Fees –>
Transport –>
Registrants from North America –>
Serving Code of Conduct — Serving ones and Helpers
For questions email us at: