Fall Advance 2020—A Time to Remember and Rejoice
in our God of Tenderheartedness and Lovingkindness
Gospel Meetings
The Container and the Content
Be Freed from Stress & Anxiety with the Two Spirits
A Certain Man
Promo videos
The Container and the Content
Be Freed from Stress and Anxiety with the Two Spirits
A Certain Man
Gospel Meeting Invites
How can I invite my friend to one of the gospel meetings? You can download on your phone one of the electronic invites below and send it to him or her via text, Instagram post, or using any other social media. The invites are according to the SSOT classes.
The Container and the Content

God’s Full Salvation

God’s Full Salvation
Be Freed from Stress & Anxiety with the Two Spirits

The Two Spirits

The Two Spirits

The Two Spirits

The Two Spirits
A Certain Man

The Church

The Church

The Church

The Church

The Church

The Church
Video Materials
SCYP as a “grocery store” provides material for young people that the churches can pick and choose according to the burden and need in their particular locality. Following this principle, SCYP will provide two videos each week from August 22 to September 19 as part of our Fall Advance 2020.
Week One
Moved with Compassion
The Sinner’s Friend
Week Two
The Prayer of Salvation
Week Three
Making a List
Week Four
Approaching Our Friends
Previous Meetings