Parents & Serving One’s Fellowship Time
This Thursday, March 13 from 8:00 pm to 8:45 pm, we will have a time of fellowship via Zoom before the High School Sister’s Conference.
Meeting ID: 891 3404 7635
Oak Glen Christian Conference Center
39364 Oak Glen Rd, Yucaipa, CA 92399
Be prepared for snow this weekend:
- Please carpool as much as possible. Bring snow chains (you may need them).
- Park facing out so that you don’t have to back up which increases the chance for sliding.
- Try to arrive before dark.
- Make sure to pack suitable clothing (warm coats, especially) and footwear with good traction. No dress shoes.
- The young people should bring extra clothes in case clothes get too wet due to the snow.
- Bring umbrellas if needed.
- Please walk on the snow rather than the ice or blacktop to decrease the risk of slipping on black ice.
Weather conditions
The temperature this weekend is expected to be a high of 58°F and a low of 30°F. We are expecting a significant snowfall for Thursday night into Friday morning.
High School Sisters
Dates: March 14-16
High School Brothers
Dates: April 11-13
Oak Glen Release of Liability & Medical Consent Forms
To find a copy of these adult and minor forms go to: scyp.com/forms
Background Check
All serving ones/helpers over the age of 18 must complete a mandatory background check every 3 years. To fill out your background check form, visit: scyp.com/background-check
To avoid duplicates, confirm with your local young people’s serving ones if you already submitted one in the past 3 years.
Music Service
If you play guitar or ukulele and own one, please bring it with you and sign up for the music service.
List of songs
6:30 pm Arrive at camp—Registration
7:30 Evening meeting—Message One
8:30 Overflow/Group time/Announcements
9:00 Snack
9:15 Cabin time (use the portion provided in the outline packet)
10:00 pm Lights out
6:30 am Serving one’s prayer
7:15 Serving ones (all) return to wake up YP Morning revival in cabins (use portion provided in the outline packet)
8:00 Breakfast
9:15 Morning meeting—Message Two
10:15 Overflow/Group time/Announcements
10:45 Cabin time (use the portion provided in the outline packet)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 Recreation
3:00 Rest and clean up—everyone must return to cabins and be on their beds
4:00 Afternoon meeting—singing, testifying and special fellowship
5:30 Dinner
6:45 Evening meeting—Message Three
8:00 Overflow/Group time/Announcements
8:30 Snack
8:45 Cabin time (use the portion provided in the outline packet)
10:00 pm Lights out
6:30 am Serving one’s prayer
7:15 Serving ones (all) return to wake up YP Morning revival in cabins (use portion provided in the outline packet)
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Clean-up Cabins
9:30 Morning meeting—Message Four
10:30 Group time
10:45 Break
11:00 Singing/Overflow/Announcements
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Leave/Depart